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Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points and meridians on the body by insertion of thin, sterile, stainless steel needles to elicit a physiological response. A meridian is a pathway that is associated with and influences specific nerves, blood vessels, tendons, muscles, and organs. Acupuncture needles can relieve pain by regulating the nervous system (blocking pain signals, retraining chronic pain patterns), promoting blood circulation, and relieving muscle tension. Acupuncture can treat internal disorders by balancing the autonomic nervous system to enhance organ function and regulate breathing, heart rate, and hormone production. Overall, these mechanisms promote healing and homeostasis in the body. The specific point selection directs these mechanisms to certain body parts or organ systems.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine do not treat western diseases per se; they treat individuals based on patterns of disharmony. Theoretically, any condition can be addressed because the practitioner will identity those patterns and aim to balance them. However, there are a few individuals and situations in which acupuncture would not be ideal. Upon first meeting with Dr. Gaffney, she will let you know if your condition is outside of her expertise and will then refer you to the next best option.

Acupuncture doesn’t necessarily hurt, but can feel uncomfortable. You will feel a prick upon initial insertion and then possibly some short discomfort as the needle is adjusted to the correct level, but these sensations should dissipate quickly once in place. If not, the practitioner can remove the needle. Keep in mind that the needles are very thin, about 1/20th the size of a hypodermic needle. Once you are resting on the table with the needles in, you may feel many different sensations such as movement, tingling, heat, pressure. This is called Qi sensation, it’s a good thing, things are moving.

Acupuncture is safe for children for all ages. Children aged 10 and older are welcome in this office. Keep in mind, your child will need to lie still for 30 minutes with needles.

No, Dr. Gaffney does not bill insurance, but she is happy to provide you with a “super bill” that you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement which will include fees paid and insurance billing codes. Check with your insurance provider for coverage details.

Katie will perform a full intake including a current and past health assessment, pulse and tongue diagnosis, any necessary orthopedic testing, and basic vitals. A diagnosis and treatment plan will be discussed. Acupuncture will then be performed and typically you will rest on the table with the needles in for about 20-30 mins. Dietary and other recommendations will be given and herbal formulas will be prescribed. Payment is accepted in the form of cash, credit/debit cards, or check.

Please bring a list of your current western medications and any supplements, recent blood work results, and the reports for any recent imaging tests (MRI, x-ray, CT scan).

Acupuncture does not cure chronic pain in one or two sessions. Treatment time is different for everyone and depends on how well your body responds and the severity of the condition. Some people get relief fairly quickly, others need months of treatment. A typical course of treatment is 10 sessions at a rate of at least once a week and it is recommended to try about 5 treatments before you decide how well acupuncture is working for you.

Yes. The less severe and common risks include bleeding and bruising, temporary soreness, numbness, and tingling at the needle site, dizziness, and fainting. Severe but rare risks include nerve damage, infection, organ puncture especially lung puncture (pneumothorax), uterine contractions/spontaneous miscarriage, and needle break/embedment requiring surgical removal.

In NV, visit the NV State Board of Oriental Medicine website:
In CA, visit the Department of Consumer Affairs website:

Katie Gaffney’s NV license # is 2008 and her CA license # is 16436. Please feel free to check the websites to verify that her licenses are in good standing.

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